Nigina Dzhumabaeva

Nigina Dzhumabaeva
Co-Founder & Certified Trainer
For the last 4 years she has been training both the locals and expats/foreigners in Bangladesh. She is an Expat herself. As she is a certified trainer, she is having a vast knowledge & experience about fitness which not only helps but gives a HEAD START towards the path of the transformation of her respected clients. She is also the pioneer of ZUMBA in Bangladesh; she is an ex Zumba instructor as well. She is always ready to transform her clients using various fitness methods and help achieve their fitness goals respectively. She can influence her clients like bread & butter to do the hard, unachievable workouts easily and thus achieve a great result.
We are the only Gym in the Gulshan-2 circle (Tri-State) area which contains wide range of updated/modern equipments with a floor size of approx. 5000sqft. We are also an expat friendly gym.

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